The MetaMask wallet address will be the default owner of KnightSafe Wallet on account creation.
Step 2 - Click on the Create New Wallet Button
Step 3 - Customize wallet initial setting and submit
Make sure your MetaMask is connected to KnightSafe Wallet
Finish the initial settings or skip for now. Except for the chain selection, owner could always change these settings after KnightSafe Wallet creation.
Chain Selection
Select the chain your KnightSafe Wallet to be deployed on, and the default chain would be Arbitrum. Currently KnightSafe is supporting both Ethereum and Arbitrum.
Add Traders
Default setting would be no traders if you do not add any trader address here.
Even the owner could not trade or withdraw any asset if the owner address is not added in the authorized trader address list.
Add Whitelist Address
Default whitelist will include the owner and the newly created KnightSafe Wallet address. Assets could only be sent to whitelisted address.
Whitelist Token
No token is whitelisted under the default setting.
Whitelist Apps
No app is whitelisted under default settings. You could customize your authorization by only enable certain function of the app.
Submit and pay the gas fee on-chain
That's it! After the confirmations completed on-chain, your KnightSafe Wallet is good to go!
For the full definition of each role, please refer to our previous article How to Use.