How to Use

Easy-to-use KnightSafe wallet solution guide book

How KnightSafe works

In this session, you learn about different role and authorization settings for your unique self-custody wallet solution.


Only Owner is allowed to change authorized settings and whitelist.


Only Trader is allowed to perform operation: Trade, Send asset, Access of DeFi protocols.

Whitelist Address

Asset can only be sent to whitelisted address.

Authorized dApp

Only authorized dApp is allowed to be accessed. It means that KnightSafe wallet would not be able to interact with any contracts or dApp that is not on the authorized list.

Authorized Token

Only authorized token is allowed to be interacted with. It means that any transactions that involved unauthorized token would be rejected.

Fee refund

KnightSafe Wallet pays gas fee if fee refund is true; trader pays gas fee if fee refund is false.

Last updated